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Albums that are this great and seem so effortless are a rare commodity indeed. I am sure Tom Gabriel Warrior (Fischer) and his band mates have put a great deal of blood, sweat and tears into ‘Melana Chasmata’ but it’s testament to them that, as a listener, they make their unique brand of darkness seem so accessible yet still as disturbing as any of Warrior’s prime works. There is an immediate intent from the opening squeal of feedback on track number one, ‘Tree of Suffocating Souls’. We’re talking about that brutal unrelenting Celtic Frost pummelling only they could ever deliver truly. That is until Triptykon came into being. Of course, there are the creeping tracks with sparse female vocals from Simone Vollenweider. Tracks like ‘Boleskine House’ and ‘Waiting’ being particular highlights. Since Celtic Frost’s ‘Monotheist’ album, the guitar sound Warrior has wielded is punishing in the extreme with sustain that reaches down the aeons. Mix into that the simple (or at least on the outside) simple yet brilliant riffs, this is an album that really deserves 10/10.

Although production techniques have improved over the years, there is wildness to the music. This has ever been present in Tom G Warrior’s bands Hellhammer, Celtic Frost and now Triptykon. Even Apollyon Sun’s industrial leanings had an untamed wild side to it, even if it was constrained by its industrial leanings. The great thing about Triptykon is that, although we all know it’s Tom G Warrior who brings his darkness and riffs to the table as prime instigator, it feels like a collaborative band with all members playing their role to create one of the most interesting extreme bands of the moment. Triptykon’s debut album and ‘Shatter’ EP were awesome offerings but ‘Melana Chasmata’ is just such a great album on first listen and gets better and better. Lyrically and vocally, we’re in quite familiar territory with repetitive and thoughtful lyrics well placed in songs and aggressive vocals that only Warrior can deliver with such vehemence. Ultimately, just like a fine wine, Tom G Warrior gets better with age and if you thought Triptykon delivered on their debut then be prepared to be taken to a new level. This will be a contender for album of the year for many, including myself. It is a dark, brooding, aggressive and simple awe inspiring album.
Century Media
Review by Paul Sims
14th April 2014
1) Tree of Suffocating Souls
2) Boleskine House
3) Altar of Deceit
4) Breathing
5) Aurorae
6) Demon Pact
7) In the Sleep of Death
8) Black Snow
9) Waiting
"...if you thought Triptykon delivered on their debut then be prepared to be taken to a new level."